You Are Welcome Here!

Pilgrim Church is an Open and Affirming congregation of
the United Church of Christ in Nashua, New Hampshire.

We are a Protestant denomination with a long and compassionate history. Join us as we move forward and explore new ways to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ!


Shop with Scrip Fundraiser

Shop With Scrip is an easy fundraiser that only requires you to pay for the things you buy normally. Purchase gift cards through our program and you will receive them in about a week. Spend the gift cards just like cash and the church automatically earns a percentage of the gift card value! To learn more please visit Examples of Scrip…


Sunday Worship

We are moving forward with a hybrid worship service, combining both in-person and remote worship. We are holding in-person worship in our sanctuary, along with simultaneous online Zoom meetings for those who cannot attend in person. See our Worship With Us page for more information.

Lenten Study Series

Pastor Judie will lead a Lenten Study each Wednesday evening of Lent. There is NO BOOK to read!      We will gather at the church by 6:20 PM and spend about an hour and a half watching brief videos that go with the series and have conversations about the different topics. Here are the dates and topics for each week:  Please note that…